=========================================================================== BBS: The Abacus * HST/DS * Potterville MI Date: 03-01-93 (15:30) Number: 27 From: VICTOR YIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: PostIt 5.0 Conf: (35) Quick Basi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- '>>> Start of page 12. LOCATE , 10: PRINT "" LOCATE , 10: PRINT "1) Only users with Microsoft's QBASIC or "+_ " QuickBASIC will be" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " able to convert the files back into their"+_ " binary format." LOCATE , 10: PRINT "" LOCATE , 10: PRINT "2) Binary files that are converted to text"+_ " should be ON TOPIC" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " in order that users of the particular echo "+_ " will benefit" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " from the post. For example: it would not be"+_ " appropriate at" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " all to post an executable file without it's"+_ " corresponding" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " source code in the Fidonet QUIK_BAS echo." LOCATE , 10: PRINT "" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " This of course only applies to the binary "+_ " posting portion" LOCATE , 10: PRINT " of PostIt!. The code wrapper is much less"+_ " controversial :)." Delay 5 COLOR 11, 1 LOCATE 24, 20: PRINT "(Hit any key to continue with Postit!)"; DO UNTIL LEN(INKEY$): LOOP PCOPY backpage, frontpage Delay 1 Lineout 1 COLOR 14 END SUB '________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ ' O \ | HERE | / O 'This concludes the 12 message posting. Any comments or suggestions 'welcome! 'Victor ... Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally. --- Blue Wave/RA v2.10 [NR] * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe / Houston Texas / (713) 589-2690 / Node -*N (1:106/30. 0) SEEN-BY: 1/211 11/2 4 13/13 101/1 108/89 109/25 110/69 114/5 123/19 124/1 SEEN-BY: 153/752 154/40 77 157/2 159/100 125 430 950 203/23 209/209 280/1 SEEN-BY: 390/1 396/1 15 397/2 2230/100 3603/20